The All-In-One Solution

Helping Healers and Lightworkers

Build Their Dream Businesses

Say goodbye to energy draining marketing & tech frustration, and experience true freedom as a healer

doing what you love




The Most Common Obstacles to Growing a Healing Business



Are you confused about what to do next? You don't know what works for YOUR business.


Are you procrastinating & feeling overwhelmed by the work and decisions piling up around you?


Are you scared you’re going to fail to make sustainable living out of your gifts like so many other healers & lightworkers?

This is Normal! Starting a New Business is Daunting

You need to...

  • Create an online presence that sells your service & is authentic

  • Heal your own beliefs & wounds on your journey

  • Find and nurture paying clients that need your help

  • Implement systems & frameworks that help you grow

SoulTeq gives you a plan & tools to build a thriving healing business and the support you need to feel confident you’re getting it right.

Marketing & Sales Software

Our all-in-one solution lets you cancel all your other subscriptions. No more linking or piecing things together – everything you need is in one place. Our software is designed to help you start, scale, and accelerate your healing business with ease.


Automate all the annoying tasks you don’t like - from missed call backs and appointment reminders to requests for reviews and follow-ups - our automation tools cover all this and more. Enhance your lead generation, client engagement and relationships. Free up your time from day one and deliver outstanding client service.

Coaching & Support

We don't leave you alone on your journey. Our technical support, business coaching, strategy calls, nervous system regulation, energy healings, and more ensure you have everything you need. With our support, you'll gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills required to run a flourishing business. Let us help you thrive every step of the way.


We promise there will be no sales pitches during this call. This call is all about you – to assess your current situation and identify what you need to reach the next level. If we believe we have a solution that fits your needs, we'll arrange a separate call to discuss it in detail. This free strategy call will provide you with valuable insights and a strategic plan to move forward!

How To Build A Sustainable Healing Business

  • Sign Up With SoulTeq

Schedule a free strategy call to apply. If we align you get instant access to our platform, online community and exclusive trainings & healings.

  • Access the Tools

Utilise our plug 'n' play tools, templates, and resources, all designed to help you save considerable time and accelerate your business growth.

  • Change Clients’ Lives

Execute our proven plan and experience the joy of turning your gift and healing powers into meaningful work that makes a real difference in people’s lives.

Let's Work Together

You have made it this far, now it's time to take action and create the impact that your soul came here to make...

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